BEST Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved skiing poster

4 min readNov 24, 2020


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Right. And perhaps the Galapagos Islands is where Darwin became a Darwinian. He also observed that the fauna there was very similar to many that he encountered in South America. Did God make all these slightly different animals once and for all or did an evolution take place? He began to become increasingly suspicious of the immutability of all species. ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS A GIRL WHO REALLY LOVED SKIING POSTER. But he still doesn’t have a compelling enough explanation of how that evolution happened. But there is one factor that indicates that all animals in the world may be related. Development of marsupial fetus. If you compare the embryos of dogs, bats, rabbits, and early humans, they look so similar it is hard to tell them apart. I couldn’t tell the difference between a human embryo and a rabbit embryo until the end. Does that show that we have distant relatives? But he has yet to explain how evolution happened.

Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved skiing poster

He was always thinking about Lyell’s theory of small changes that could have a big effect over a long period of time. But he could not find an explanation that would apply as a general principle. He was familiar with the theory of the French zoologist Lamarck, who showed that different animals developed the properties they needed. For example, giraffes have developed a long neck, because for generations they have stretched their necks to reach the leaves above. Lamarck believes that the qualities each individual achieves by its own effort are passed on to the next generation. ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS A GIRL WHO REALLY LOVED SKIING POSTER. But Darwin denied these doctrine of the inheritance of these ‘attainable traits’, for Lamarck did not support this bold claim. However, Darwin pursued a much more explicit way of thinking. You can almost say that the real mechanism of animal evolution is right in front of your nose. That is exactly what people have been doing for thousands of years. But I’m still not done with your two cows. Suppose you want one of the cows to give birth. Which child will you choose? Which one has the most milk. Then her offspring may later be a cow too. I really like cows a lot of milk. Now there is one more question.

I’m a hunter with two hunting dogs. But I have to give up one of the two children, which one will I keep? Of course which one is better at finding the kind of prey you want. Also, I’ll keep the hound better. That is how humans have bred animals for over ten thousand years. Sophie. It was not in the past that the hens lay five eggs a week, the sheep gave a lot of wool, the horse was strong and fast like now. The breeders made an artificial selection. The same goes for the world of vegetables. People do not grow poor quality potatoes if there are seeds of delicious potatoes. And people do not waste time reaping noodles if it has no seeds. Darwin pointed out that no two cows, two spikes, two dogs or two sparrows are exactly alike. I must have seen it myself when I drank water from a green bottle. So Darwin had to ask himself: Is there a similar mechanism in nature? Is it possible that nature does a ‘natural selection’ to decide which individuals will survive? And over a long period of time, can such selection create new species of flora and fauna?

Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved skiing poster

Darwin still could not clearly envision how such a natural selection might happen. But in October 1838, exactly two years after returning from the Beagle, he came across a pamphlet by Thomas Malthus, a population expert. The pamphlet is titled The thesis of the principle of population. Malthus inspired this essay from Benjamin Franklin, an American who invented the lightning rod and so on. Franklin showed that without the limiting factors in nature, a single species of plant or animal would flourish and fill the entire planet. ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS A GIRL WHO REALLY LOVED SKIING POSTER. But since there are many species, they hold each other in equilibrium. Mathus developed this idea and applied it to the population, believing that a large number will have to die in the struggle for survival. Therefore, the number of survivors to mature and maintain the race will be those who excel in the struggle for survival. And this is the unifying mechanism that Darwin has been searching for all along. This is the explanation of how evolution happened. This is due to natural selection in the struggle for survival, in which individuals who are best adapted to their surroundings will survive and maintain a race.

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